Somos la web con mas opciones de pasarela de pagos automaticos / We are the website with the most automatic payment gateway options
Por la seguridad de tu cuenta, recomendamos active los niveles de seguridad / For the security of your account, we recommend that you activate the security levels


Nuestra servicio esta dirigidos unicamente a Tiendas, Unlokers y empresas que se dedican a la tecnologia GSM


Es importante saber algunos puntos de nuestras politicas de venta:


1- No vendemos a cliente finales


2- Antes de realizar compras estar seguro de los servicios que disponemos


3- No se hacen reintegro de dinero por lo que debe ser consumido en BaseUnlock


4- Mantener siempre un saldo suficiente para no tener problema al realizar algun pedido fuera de horario laboral


5- No usar el dinero de sus clientes, recomendamos mantener fondo propios para no tener problema con el punto 3



6- Si usted va a realizar pago por estas opciones:

Bank transfer (customer verified by KYC transfer or deposit / customer without KYC verification only deposit)

Credit card (Visa & Mastercard) (KYC verified customer)

Binance Merchant & C2C (Instant payment) (KYC verified customer)

Futuelink (Visa & MasterCard) (Instant payment) (KYC verified customer)

Paypal Mass Pay (Instant payment) (KYC verified customer)

PayPal Express Checkout (Instant payment) (KYC verified customer)

kash (Centro america) (KYC verified customer)

Asegurarse que su cuenta este verificada, debido a que no aceptamos pagos de cuentas NO VERIFICADA

* Sus cuenta deben ser propia, No de 2da o tercer persona

* Los clientes que presenten disputa en pagos  se tomaran las siquientes medidas

1- Su cuenta sera bloqueada durante el proceso

2- Despues de terminado el proceso se suspendera durante 3 meses y si la pasarela de pago aplica multa, se le debitara de su cuenta por lo que no podra usar su cuenta y su saldo

3- la opcion de compra via pasarela con verificación KYC sera suspendido de forma permanente

4- Sus datos de pasarela de pago sera colocado en la lista de estafadores y reportado a la Policía Interpol y al Equipo de Investigación de Fraude

7- Si realiza pagos via pasarela con verificación KYC por primera ves, el pago es retenido para su revision, esto puede llevar de 1 a 12 Horas, Esto sucede con los primero 3 pagos. suspender o limitar los pagos queda a discreción de la admin

8- Compras minima:

25 USD

Moneda principal USD (Moneda de Estados Unidos)

1 credito = 1 Dolar

Para acreditar su pago debera de enviar los datos al E-mail: o WhatsApp:

Detalle de comisiones:


Futuelink (0%)

Bank Transfer (3.99%)

Billetera Movil (3.99%)

Money gram (0%)

WU (0%)

                      airtm (0%)                      

Binance Pay Merchant (0.99 fixed)

Zelle (0%)

Paypal Mass Pay (Instant payment) (0%)

PayPal Express Checkout (Instant payment) (KYC verified customer) (6.99%)

Credit card (Visa & Mastercard) (4.99%) (Payment with cryptocurrency) (0%)

kash (Centro america) (KYC verified customer) (3.99%)

usdtportal (Gate Pay) / (Tether (USDT) / (Credit card and Apple Pay with USDT) / (USD Coin (USDC) (Instant payment) (0%)


- Dias feriado no hay acreditacion

- La acreditacion se realizan en el transcurso del dia

- Con criptomoneda y Futuelink las acreditaciones son instantanea

- Los deposito via criptomoneda o mayores a 100 USD se le dará prioridad para la acreditación

- Si realiza compras continúas de 25 a 35 USD con pasarelas de pagos manuales se te cambiara el precio a menorista




Our service is directed only to Stores, Unlokers and companies that are dedicated to GSM technology 

It is important to know some points of our sales policies: 

1- We do not sell to end customers 

2- Before making purchases be sure of the services we have

3- Money is not refunded so it must be consumed in BaseUnlock

4- Always keep a sufficient balance so as not to have a problem when placing an order outside of working hours 

5- Do not use your clients' money, we recommend keeping your own funds so as not to have a problem with point 3

6- If you are going to pay for these options:

Bank Transfer (KYC verified customer)

Credit card (Visa & Mastercard) (KYC verified customer)

Binance Merchant & C2C (Instant payment) (KYC verified customer)

Futurelink (Visa & MasterCard) (Instant payment) (KYC verified customer)

Paypal Mass Pay (Instant payment) (KYC verified customer)

PayPal Express Checkout (Instant payment) (KYC verified customer)

kash (Centro america) (KYC verified customer)

Make sure your account is verified, as we do not accept payments from UNVERIFIED accounts

* Your account must be your own, not from a 2nd or third person

* Customers who file a payment dispute will take the following measures

1- Your account will be blocked during the process

2- After the process is finished, it will be suspended for 3 months and if the payment gateway applies a fine, it will be debited from your account so you will not be able to use your account and your balance

3- the option to purchase via the gateway with KYC verification will be permanently suspended

4- Your payment gateway data will be placed on the list of scammers and reported to the Interpol Police and the Fraud Investigation Team

7- If you make payments via gateway with KYC verification for the first time, the payment is retained for review, this can take from 1 to 12 hours. This happens with the first 3 payments. suspending or limiting payments is at the discretion of the admin

8- Minimum purchases:

25 USD

Main currency USD (United States currency)

1 credit = 1 dollar

To prove your payment you must send the data to E-mail: or WhatsApp:

Commission details:


Futurelink (0%)

Bank Transfer (3.99%)

Mobile Wallet (3.99%)

Money gram (0%)

WU (0%)

airtm (0%)

Binance Pay Merchant (0.99 fixed)

Zelle (0%)

Paypal Mass Pay (Instant payment) (0%)

PayPal Express Checkout (Instant payment) (KYC verified customer) (6.99%)

Credit card (Visa & Mastercard) (4.99%) (Payment with cryptocurrency) (0%)

kash (Centro america) (KYC verified customer) (3.99%)

usdtportal (Gate Pay) / (Tether (USDT) / (Credit card and Apple Pay with USDT) / (USD Coin (USDC) (Instant payment) (0%)


- Holidays there is no accreditation

- The accreditation is carried out during the day

- With cryptocurrency and Futurelink the accreditations are instantaneous

- Deposits via cryptocurrency or greater than 100 USD will be given priority for accreditation

- If you make continuous purchases of 25 to 35 USD with manual payment gateways, the price will be changed to retail

On 2015-10-29 12:15:50 By admin