0Es bueno que use telegram / It's good that you use telegram
27 May, 2022Si todavia no usa telegram, es bueno que empiece a usarlo y te agregue a nuestro canal y Bot / If you still don't use telegram, it's good that you start using it and add you to our channel and Bot
canal / channel
Bot / Bot
0Contacto directo y rapido / Direct and fast contact
04 Nov, 2018
Aqui nos encuentra rapido / Here he finds us fast
* información / information
* verificación / Check
* Revisión / Review
* Pagos / Payments
* Consulta de servicios IMEI, SERVER, FILE / Consultation of services IMEI, SERVER, FILE
WhatsApp: https://wa.me/message/EXYOHJCEYNXNP1
(Solo mensaje / Message only)